In the same vein, there are actually a few different stories to set out on if you're a fan of the source material. So, even though I found the combat brain dead, there is a fair amount of stuff to unlock and customize if you're down for just brawling. On top of that, there are a bunch of signature moves to learn that you can then pick and choose from before you head out. These play into the unlockable abilities you can take into battle like more health and damage. As you're knocking these evildoers down and stomping out their spirits, you're earning karma points and skill points. There are nice touches to combat like the fact that Kenshiro's clothes tear away as he takes damage and you deliver final blows to bosses via onscreen button prompts that equate to sick animations, but in the end it's just "meh." It's not bad, it's not great, it's not exciting - it's just a way to march through foe after foe after foe. Sometimes an enemy would move and I'd get caught in a combo that was hitting nothing, but even when I was connecting, the splashes of blood on the enemy's chest weren't impressive. The fighting works, but it's far from amazing or even a baseline "good." The attacks are repetitive, the enemies all look the same, and you only really need to think about a strategy when a boss displays a new attack (they usually change it up as their health bar drops). Kenshiro's enemy Shin has a signature that actually lets him poke someone to death, and that's just plain cool. When you get cooking as Kenshiro you'll be able to tap baddies with your flaming blue hand and cause them to explode in a gooey bloodbath or pull off a signature like the one that has you throw a flurry of punches that decimates the enemy. Kill everyone, and you can move to the next area and continue your way to the boss in question. You walk into different parts of the map, a bunch of bad guys are there, and you clean their clocks via light and heavy attacks, combos, and signature moves you have to earn by filling in meters. This game is a third-person brawler - think God Hand meets Dynasty Warriors.

Still, there's one thing that's here and makes sense: punching.